Welcome to Ms. Harkins’ Class
Dear Parents,
I have have included extra units to help you continue to learn even as you enter the summer months. Please don’t feel pressured to do every activity. You know your child best, please select activities that challenge, activities that help review and fun activities too! Keep encouraging your little learner to read and take advantage of the Epic website to read all kinds of books that capture your child’s interest.
Have a great week,
Ms. Harkins
Lesson Plans
Additional songs to sing about Butterflies and their lifecycles may be found here.
Resources for more Holy Week activities may be found below.
Stuffed Heart Craft 10 Holy Week Activities
Teaching Holy Week to Young Children Easy to understand Holy Week Activities for Preschoolers
Here are some additional resources that you can use to help facilitate learning this week and onward!
Days of the Week Puzzle - Please note that the numbers at the top of the pictures can be used to put pieces in order.
Alphabet Poems - Read these with your child, you can print them and make them into a book, or just choose a letter or two to focus on.
Wideopenschool.org - resources for online learning . Shape Recognition - Practice Pages Scissor Skills - Practice Pages Name Practice Pages
Home Choice Learning - More learning options for when you need more things to do in your day.
Links to a variety of learning pages Pre-Writing Skills practice
Websites with Stories and More!
Storyplace.org Vooks.com Getepic.com Links to websites with free online books
Video Links
General Circle Time Songs
Dr. Jean’s Phonercise ABC Kickboxing
Thematic Units
Butterfly Metamorphosis Song Holy Week&Easter Playlist
Movement Songs